Privacy is Priceless.
We Make it Affordable.

Your Private Data is so Valuable It’s
Being Sold Online. To Anyone.

Everything from your name, age, date of birth, home addresses, relatives,
cell phone numbers, tickets, court records, and so much more…

Privacy is Priceless.
We Make it Affordable.

Your Private Data is so Valuable It’s Being Sold Online. To Anyone.

Everything from your name, age, date of birth, home addresses, cell phone numbers, relatives, tickets, court records, and so much more…

Discover and delete what ‘the internet’ knows about


Delete your personal data from the internet.

Off of Google and 190+ other websites.

Digital Breadcrumbs are Destroying Your Privacy.

We get them deleted from Google and 190+ other websites.

Your Name • Your Home & Email Addresses • Your Phone Numbers • Your Relatives • Your Location • Your Date of Birth


Pulled from 'Anywhere'

piece by piece, for a full picture.

Data brokers collect, buy, and aggregate data about you from hundreds of sources, including public records, banks, and other companies.


Available to 'Anyone'

willing to pay as little as $17

Strangers, employers, landlords, and anyone else who wishes to can gain instant access to a vast collection of data about you instantly, for as little as $17.


Sold for Profit

through various legal loopholes.

Data brokers make money by making your personal data available for purchase to anyone willing to pay for it. That's what InfoRemover deals with for you.

Free Check. No Obligations.

Find out what the
net knows about


Data Brokers have been collecting and compiling personal and private information for decades. Find out and delete what they know about you and your past.

In Today's New World, Privacy is Priority.

A lot has changed in a few short years.

Personal safety and privacy are more important than ever. There once was a time when having a disagreement, holding a differing opinion, or standing up for your rights meant just that. Today, it may mean you and your loved ones are at an increased risk of online or in-person attack by haters, stalkers, and others with ill intent. Too many find this out the hard way. For many, privacy is today’s priority. InfoRemover is the solution to Data Brokers—companies that collect and sell your personal data for profit, without regard for the harm it may cause.

Who's at Risk? You.

Data brokers don't discriminate, but some people may have a greater incentive to have their data removed than others. Since data equals money, most Americans have one or more profiles on anywhere from a dozen to one hundred different data broker websites.


Public Faces

You shouldn't have to give up your personal privacy to get traffic to your small business or to gain followers on social media. If you're in the public eye, you'll probably want to use InfoRemover.

Firearm Owners

Firearms are an increasingly divisive and polarizing topic, despite their legality being built into the fabric of our nation. If you own a firearm, you may be interested in protecting your privacy with InfoRemover.


Unease and even fear can set in when we discover that the names, ages, addresses, and other personal details of our children and our relatives are available for purchase online. InfoRemover can help parents resolve that.


Groups of all types that can be considered new or unusual are often disproportionately threatened or attacked. InfoRemover can help members of these groups to hide personal data about themselves online.

Anyone, Really

If you live in today's world, you can benefit from privacy of your personal data. Securing your personal data can help you reduce your chances of becoming a victim of everything from identity theft to online or in-person attacks.

Once You See It, You Get Why It's Worth Billions

What They Do Know, Can Hurt You

Find Out What the Net Knows. About You.

Data Brokerage is a $400-Billion 'Gray Market' you may never have known existed.

Our free report shows what personal data of yours is being sold, without your knowledge or approval, to anyone willing to pay as little as $17.00

The privacy professionals.

Delete your personal data from the internet: Google and 190+ other websites.

Proprietary Software

Proprietary software helps us fulfill the removal requirements of more than 190 data broker websites, saving you time, money, and headache to protect your privacy.

Constant Monitoring

Since publishing personal data is so profitable, data removal is not a one-and-done. InfoRemover will continually monitor the internet for new data, and get it removed.

Rapid Removal

InfoRemover starts simultaneously fulfilling the removal requirements of over 190 data broker websites, so that your data is removed as rapidly as possible.

Privacy is Priceless. We Make it Affordable.

Protect and monitor your personal online privacy with an affordable monthly plan.
Month-to-Month Info Removal
Year-Long Peace of Mind